Production & Recording of Gigs & Sessions
About us

About us

Production Recording, has continually adapted and changed to support our users since we went live on the web in 1995, and we’re now announcing the next chapter for ProdRec and our new association with YouTube. All our content, audio, video, and photography, now will be hosted there.

Adopting a single platform for distribution will simplify access and interaction for our clients and visitors. New videos will be right here, and the Production Recording library can be found easily on the YouTube/prodrec page.

In 2017 we’re producing content with a focus on documentaries, travel and lifestyle, and look forward to where we find ourselves going. It is truly a new direction after so many years locked in a soundstage every day.

In 2016, we produced and engineered an album, “Love Of This Life”, for John Rosenberg, a very talented pianist and songwriter. This return to music production, where Production Recording started so many years ago, is something we hope to do more of.

You can comment and share on the Community Blog, and we hope you will like what you see.